RINSE THOROUGHLY and repeatedly, then get yourself to the ER. Have someone drive if you cannot.
Call 1-800-222-1222 for a national poison control hotline (they can give you the best advice).
Here's a link that may help.
http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals鈥?/a>Help! I somehow got a drop of acetone (nail polish remover) in my eye! What do i do?
dont panic. you did the right thing...rinse rinse rinse. preferably with sterile saline, but water is better than nothing.
you will most likely be fine. schedule an appointment or walk-in to an optometrist or ophthalmologists office. an E.R. visit is probably not warranted in this case IMO if it really was only ';1 drop'; followed by immediate rinse and not prolonged exposure
Continue to rinse your eye with cool water and blow some air on it gently. Give it a few minutes then if it's still irratated use some visine or contact solution. Your eye shouldbe fine but if conditons begin to worsen or not improve after about 30-45 minutes i'd call your doctor or the help line that should be listed on the back of the bottle.
Stay calm-you'll be fine! You did the right thing so don't worry. :)
rinse repeatedly for 30 mins then contact dr.
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